Wednesday, February 03, 2021


Renault was one of the leading electric vehicle manufacturer in Europe, with ZOE in the passenger car. In other side they also produce commercial vehicle in term of electric propulsion, KANGOO Z.E was the model.

In the competition in hybrid vehicle, Renault has technology called E-TECH, which is officially was taken from Formula 1 technology. E-TECH originally came from idea that electric machine was supported by internal combustion engine.

There are two technology, first E-TECH hybrid and second, E-TECH plug-in hybrid.
The big different between them are : E-TECH hybrid vehicle will charge its traction battery during braking and deceleration meanwhile W-TECH plug-in hybrid vehicle will charge during braking, deceleration and external electric source, for instance home electricity, charging station.

We should realize that the automobile industry are shifting from fossil-fuel vehicle to renewable source and electricity.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Peran Artificial Intelligent di Autonomous Car

Artificial intelligent memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan teknologi self-driving di jalan-jalan umum.
Seperti halnya seorang manusia, self-driving car memiliki sensor-sensor yang memungkinkan sebuah mobil mengenali dunia di sekitar nya dan juga memiliki otak yang berfungsi mengumpulkan informasi, mengolah informasi dan menentukan tindakan yang spesifik.
Setiap autonomous car memiliki perangkat yang canggih untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengenai kondisi di sekitarnya, antara lain long-range radar, kamera, short/medium-range radar. Informasi dari sensor-sensor tersebut tidak ada artinya sampai menghasilkan output tindakan dari autonomous car tersebut.
Fitur lain yang menarik dari sebuah autonomous car, dengan artificial intelligent yang ada di dalam nya, memungkinkan setiap autonomous car bisa berbagi informasi dan pengalamannya ke autonomus car yang lain.